On Friday, the American indices performed differently. S&P 500 rose a bit and finished the week close to the all-time high. NASDAQ 100 also slightly went up and finished the session a little below 14000. On the other hand, the Dow Jones Industrial Average showed mixed sentiment. However, after the weekend, all three of them opened significantly higher and they are showing mixed sentiment since then, Anyway, let’s start the analysis, S&P 500 first:
S&P 500
The S&P 500 managed to rise a bit on Friday. The price finished the week at 4245, close to the all-time high. However, after the weekend it opened 5 pips higher and set the new all-time high. Right now, the price is close to the R1 resistance level and it is showing mixed sentiment. If the buyers show their strength once again, the price might reach the R2 today. But if the bears counterattack, the price could drop to the Pivot Point.
NASDAQ 100 also rose a bit on Friday. The price finished the week a little below 14000. However, after the weekend it opened 20 pips higher and has been showing mixed sentiment since then. Right now the price is at the R1 resistance level. If the buyers show their strength once again, the price might rise above the R2 today. But if the bears counterattack, the price could drop to the Pivot Point.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
The DJIA index was definitely weaker on Friday. The price tested the S1 support level in the late afternoon, but then it managed to rise a bit and finished the session at the same level as it started. After the weekend, the price opened a little higher and it has been showing mixed sentiment since then. If the buyers take control over the market, the price might even reach the R1 resistance level today. But if the bears show their strength, the price could drop to the S1.